End-Time Word Studies

In the Message Shalom brother Branham said, [Shalom] pp. 223,  "All the New Testament speaks of this hour." Therefore, this section is dedicated to showing forth this hour by utilizing the entire New Testament..



This word means presence, but how do we know he is

here unless he does something to attract our attention.



Therefore, he shines forth and performs supernatural

things In order to attract our attention and to reveal

to us who it is that is present among us.



Once He has our attention He unveils Himself



The Power and manifestation of God confirms

and vindicates His presence among us.


This unveiling is said to be a manifestation of His True Character



This new understanding and knowledge brings us into

a personal knowledge which is based upon relationship.



This knowledge reveals to us God's Assessment, Opinion and

judgment which is the very mind of God coming into the believer



This Mindset of God brings us into a perfect rest.