The Master Violinist   




  29-6    Closing I might say this. There was a... I read a story many years ago about an old violinist. And he had an old violin, and he was going to sell it. (You've heard the story many times.) And they wanted to sell it for a certain thing. And the auctioneer said, "Who'll give me so-and-so?" And I believe he was offered a few coins, maybe fifty cents or something. "Going once, going twice..." Directly, a man raised up in the back; he said "Just a minute." He walked up and got it. Let's think that he played this: There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins; When sinners, plunge beneath the flood, Lose all their guilty stain: Then when he laid it down, there wasn't a dry eye in the place. Then he said, "Who'll offer..." One said, "Five thousand." "Ten thousand." It was priceless. Why? The--the old master of the violin had revealed its true quality. Oh, brother, sister, now let the Master of this Word who wrote It, the great Holy Spirit, rosin up His bow with love and pull it across your heart. There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel's veins... You'll see the full value and see the unveiled God come right in view, that He's just the same as He was when He fell on the day of Pentecost upon the people, when He kenos Hisself, emptied right into them. That's right. You say, "Brother Branham, I've tried. I've tried. I've done this, that, or the other."




  30-5    One day, I was having a meeting at Carlsbad, New Mexico; and we went down in this big old bat den down there; and it was kinda spooky-looking. And we got down there; and the--the man, when he got down there in this place, he--he snapped the lights off. And oh, my, you can imagine how dark it was. It's just--it's so dark you could feel it. And that's just about the way the times are getting. When we see the church that fails to recognize God's Word; when you see that our daughters of Zion doing the way they're doing; when you see our brothers that smokes, and drinks, and--and tells dirty jokes, and things, and still trying to hold their confession in Christ (Oh, my.); it's dark; it's pitch dark. We see the sign of His coming. There'll be... It's always darkest just before day. Then the Morning Star comes out to hail the day, and to herald it and show that it's coming.


  31-1    Notice. In there, when they turned that off, there was a little girl just screamed to the top of her voice. And there was a little boy standing by the guide. And he seen that guide when he switched the lights off, like that. And that little sister was just about to have a fit. She was screaming and jumping up-and-down, "Oh, what's going to happen next? What's the matter? What's the matter?" You know what he screamed? He said, "Don't fear, little sister. There's a man here who can turn on the lights." Listen, little sister, you might think we're small and in the minority, but don't fear. There's a Man here Who can turn on the lights; that's the Holy Spirit. Do you believe it?