The End-Time Neurosis

This study is taken from a series preached by Brother Brian Kocourek from July 3rd through July 27th 1996. For more detail than what is shown in this study click here  for the individual sermons.  

18 Christ Revealed In His Own Word I was just talking to a young minister and his wife in the room just a few moments ago. And both of them are nervous just like the rest of the world, rest of the human beings on earth. I said, "Remember, Satan's got a punch coming at you." I don't care who you are, God... He's got a right to that one punch. Which had you rather be, that punch, be blind, or be an arthritic setting in a chair, or be nervous? See? He's got somewhere he could punch you. He's got a right to that open place. Now, that's the spot you got to keep covered all the time. 19 And to see this nervous age that we're living in... And last week's tapes, I think, will reveal to you the great hideous things that we're going to speak on one of these days when we can get a place sufficient, of the opening of those last plagues to be poured out upon the earth--those Vials, rather, pouring out of the Vials, and the Seven Thunders... And those hideous sights that's coming upon the earth... 20 Men now and people today are in such a neurotic condition, the whole world... You read this last months "Reader's Digest." You notice the subject there; it's on Billy Graham the great evangelist. He got so tired he just couldn't hold his meetings, and he--he went to Mayo's Clinic for a physical checkup. There wasn't nothing wrong with him, only he just doesn't do enough work. And they put him to running: physical exercise. He runs a mile every day. And then, the article goes on to say that science has proved, that today, that young children, these little boys and girls hit their middle age at twenty years old. And by twenty-five, many times in many cases the girls are out of menopause at twenty-five years old. I don't know if you knew it or not, but a few nights ago while the Holy Spirit was speaking here in the meeting, a little girl setting down here; that's exactly what was wrong with that child when It called out. I looked at her a second time, looked again, and I seen what was the matter. I thought, "It can't be; that child's too young." But it was, menopause, about twenty years old, twenty-three, something like that. See? 21 My mother and your mother struck that age about forty-five to fifty. My wife struck that age about thirty-five. Now, it's down to twenty. The whole human race is rotten. Well, if them physical beings of our body is tearing down like that from eating hybrid foods, tensions, that rotten it, does not that also rot the brain cell? Then we can see how women can get on the street naked. We can see how they can speed through the streets at a hundred and twenty miles an hour, all these things. It's come to a place where the whole nation, the whole world, not only this nation, but everywhere, mentally gone. 22 And then when we open up those, the Lord willing, on those Seven Vials and show those hideous things... Men will be so insane after while, till they'll imagine they're seeing ants the size of a mountain. They'll be tormenting women, be locusts come upon the earth with long hair to torment women who cut theirs off, hair like women hanging down, and long teeth like a lion, stingers in their tail like a scorpion, and so forth, to torment men upon the earth. But then it'll be too late to do anything about it. You get right now. See? Tormenting..."

Now I hope you noticed that Brother Branham is focusing his thoughts here on the mental condition of man in this last hour. How man has come to the state where their bodies are rotting and their minds have become rotten well. In [pp. 18] he speaks of a young couple, a Pastor and his wife that he’s been counseling and he mentions how nervous they both are. Then he says, And both of them are nervous just like the rest of the world, rest of the human beings on earth. We see then, he’s not mentioning this because a certain couple was nervous, but to let us know that the condition of this couple is a universal problem in all of mankind. It’s not just a problem in America, but in every nation on earth. And so we see this nervous condition is an attribute of or identifier of the days that we live. It identifies the times in which we live. Now, I would like for you to pay close attention this morning to what I will be sharing from Brother Branham's thoughts here, because in these thoughts you will receive the help you need for yourself as well. Notice in [pp. 19] He said, "And to see this nervous age that we're living in"...and notice how he went on to tie this thought into the opening of the 7 vials and the letting loose of the end-time plagues upon man.

Again we see in [pp. 20] he says, "Men now and people today are in such a neurotic condition, the whole world"... Therefore we see this neurotic condition is universal, for he said, the whole world! In [pp. 21], he speaks of how the body is rotting and women are reaching menopause at an earlier age, and we know menopause is a condition that the body goes into after it passes out of it's life cycle and enters into it's dying cycle. He continues to speak of the deteriorating mental condition of the people until the entire world is going insane. He says, The whole human race is rotten. Well, if them physical beings of our body is tearing down like that from eating hybrid foods, tensions, that rotten it, does not that also rot the brain cell? Then we can see how women can get on the street naked. We can see how they can speed through the streets at a hundred and twenty miles an hour, all these things. It's come to a place where the whole nation, the whole world, not only this nation, but everywhere, mentally gone.

Now, finally in PP 22 we hear him say, Men will be so insane after while and he speaks on how they will see things that are not there, but their minds will be playing tricks on them and it will be real to them as far as they are concerned. And so, today I would like to examine these thoughts on the condition of man in this last hour and the condition of the mind. Brother Branham is telling us that the whole world has come to a condition that it is mentally gone. He said, the hybrid foods and the tensions have caused our bodies to rot and since our brain cells are part of our bodies, they are rotting as well. We find this condition that brother Branham is speaking of in the scriptures. We are warned that there is coming a time that will be full of tension and stress and it will hard to bear. We are also told that the anxieties of life will be self-consuming everyone who lives on the face of the earth.

In [ 2 Timothy 3: 1]the Amplified version, we read: "But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble - hard to deal with and hard to bear. Now if you caught what Brother Branham was telling us, he said it is the hybrid foods and the tensions that are rotting the bodies and the minds of the people. So tensions or stress are a very critical thing in the undoing of the human race. And you will notice that the Amplified Translation of [2 Tim 3:1] tells us these times of great tension and stress will be hard to deal with and hard to bear, that is why the suicide rate is so high.

In [Mk 4: 18-20] we notice that the cares of this life creep in and choke off the Life of the Word. And so this is a warning to us to be careful not to get so caught up into the things of this world as to allow them to take over sole dominance of our lives. Now the Greek word used here for cares is the word Merimna which means the anxieties of this Life. And I want you to notice that the word anxieties is defined by Webster as being a state of being uneasy or apprehensive, or worried about what may happen; concern about a possible future event, and the psychological effects of anxiety are worry and nervous tensions.

[Lk 8:18] Notice in this Scripture that it is not just the anxieties of this life, the bills and the mortgage and the auto loans, and the utilities etc., but it is also the pleasure seeking and other things as well that will creep into our lives and choke off the Life of the Word. Now notice that brother Branham used the term neurotic which comes from the word neurosis. Neurosis according to Webster is defined as: Any of various Psychic, or mental, functional disorders characterized by one or several of the following reactions: anxiety, compulsion, obsession, phobia, depression, disassociation and conversion. Now, for you who are taking notes, I want you to notice that there are 7 of these attributes, and that is the number of completion. Brother Branham said, Men now and people today are in such a neurotic condition, the whole world. So we see that this neurotic condition is a world-wide mental condition that has come upon mankind like a trap. Just as we see the Laodicean condition of being naked, blind and miserable is a universal condition as well. [Rev 3:14] Brother Branham said "a person who would walk around naked and then doesn’t know it, is either mentally gone or demon possessed." We’ll find out in this message.

[Lk 21: 31-36] Notice, this condition is to come upon every one who dwells upon the face of the earth. So it is a world wide condition, and then if so, then it will affect us as well unless we are aware of it. Now, we are not super humans that can not be affected by these things. We are merely mortal in this flesh and we need to know what it is that is affecting us before we can find the cure. If we think this doesn't pertain to us then why did Jesus warn us that it was coming? Now, I believe the thing that is causing this condition in the earth is the focus we have in our lives. If our focus is on the things of this world, then we will be caught up into these anxieties which are a snare to us. But if our focus is upon Christ and His Promises for us at this last-hour, then we will overcome this trap. Jesus said "if the man of the house had know what hour the thief was coming, he would have prepared his home and he would not have suffered the thief to break in."

Our focus has got to be on "standing in the presence of the Son of Man" as Jesus said. We should not be concerned with the cares of this life, they are a snare to the real things that God has in store for us. We are told in [Matt 7: 24-27] That the same trials will come upon all who dwell on the face of the earth. Therefore, it’s the spirit of the age, or the condition of the hour, as we see in [Rev 3: 14-20]

As we examine these attributes that make up the neurotic condition that is in the world every where, let's begin by examining Webster's definition again. Webster defined Neurosis as: Any of various psychic, or mental, functional disorders characterized by one or several of the following reactions: #1) Anxiety, #2) Compulsions #3) Obsessions #4) Phobias #5) Depression #6) Disassociation #7) Conversion.

This morning we shall begin our study by focusing on the 1st attribute which is Anxiety. My hope for you this message is that you will find help to understand your own life situation better and how to cope in this stressful world. After all, Brother Branham said in His opening prayer, "And we ask that You'll speak to us today through Thy written Word, and may the Spirit reveal to us the things that we have need of,". Therefore, I believe this Message will meet the needs of every individual here if we only look for it.

[Lk 21: 31 - 36] When Jesus spoke about the cares of this life he was speaking of Anxieties. Anxieties is defined by Webster as being a state of being that is uneasy or apprehensive, one which is worried about what may happen; having concern about possible future events. The psychological effects of anxiety are worry and nervous tensions. So we see that it has nothing to do with today, but what might happen tomorrow. And what did Jesus tell us about such things as this?

In [Matt 6: 24-34] we are actually commanded to take no thought for tomorrow, pertaining to what we shall eat or wear. Don't worry about tomorrow, because after all each day there is enough to think about? And if you worry about tomorrow, then you only compound your troubles. Because not only do you have today's troubles, but tomorrow's as well.

Brother Branham said in [981-Q-274 Q & A COD 64-0823M] "If you worry, it'll break your health down, and that's what Satan wants to do". He wants to distract you from where we should really be focused, and that is in Christ. So just commit yourself and your family to Christ and keep moving on.

In [Eccl 11: 9-10] we read, "Be happy young man while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to judgment," ( in other words, just keep your life lined up with His Word) "So then, banish anxiety from your heart, and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless".

[ 1 Peter 5: 6 - 10] "Casting all your cares (or anxieties) upon Him for He careth for you."

[ Proverbs 12: 25 ] "An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up."

[ Eccl 2: 17-26] "So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me. And who knows whether he will be a wise man or a fool? Yet he will have control over all the works which I have poured my effort and skill under the sun. This too is meaningless. So my heart began to become anxious over all my toilsome labor under the sun. For a man may do his work with wisdom, knowledge and skill, and then he must leave all he owns to someone who has not worked for it. This too is meaningless and a great misfortune. What does a man get for all his toil and anxious striving with which he labors under the sun? All his days his work is pain and grief; Even at night his mind does not rest. This too is meaningless. A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see is from the hand of God, for without him who can eat or find employment? To the man who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind".

From, E-64 God Keeps His Word 57-0407m, brother Branham said, "To the young people, I would say this. If I could this morning, after a birthday yesterday of forty-eight years in this life, twenty some odd years of that, about twenty four years I've spent for the Lord Jesus. As a boy of about twenty three years old, I started preaching the Gospel. If there is any regrets that I have, any regrets... If I could touch a button this morning and go back to the--the fabulous age of about sixteen or seventeen, I would only want to do it for one thing: that is to serve Christ".

In the Message [E-10 Uncertain Sound 61-0429E] He said, "Traveling around from nation to nation, I find that everyone seems to be nervous. And the psychic wards are filling up. And the people are... Down the street, there seems to be so much anxiety, and rush just as hard as they can, till they don't have courtesy even, one for the other. And I've noticed it amongst all people."

[Phil 4: 6-7] Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

In speaking of the nations where the Jews were to be scattered and dispersed throughout all the world the Lord said the following words letting them know that there is no rest and there is no assurance in this world outside of Him. [ Deut 28: 65-67]

[Jn 14: 1-3] & [Jn 14: 27-29] What we have here is a mental disorder that actually cripples the persons functionality as a human being. If the person is a wife and mother, it cripples her ability to function in those roles. If the person is a minister it cripples their ability to minister the Word of God. If the person is a Deacon, it cripples their ability to keep order and to help as needed in the assembly. What ever the persons function, father, mother, sister or brother, it cripples those functions in the home. No wonder there is so much talk today of the dysfunctional family. Since the world is in a neurotic condition, they’ve got to be dysfunctional.

Now, the 2nd attribute of neurosis that Webster speaks of is compulsion which is a compelling or being compelled; ( And the word compel has to do with a forcing of the issue, an "in your face attitude"). We hear so much today the expression, "with an attitude!" But did you know that this was spoken of by the Word of God to be this way? Webster goes on to describe compulsion as being an "irresistible, repeated, irrational impulse to perform some act." And we are warned that men will be this way in [ 2 Tim 3:1] But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble - hard to deal with and hard to bear. For people will be lovers of self and utterly self-centered,... Now, I want you to notice verse [ 3 ] it tells us that they will be incontinent. This word incontinent means they are without self control which is why they are compulsive. They have no self control and therefore they are out of control.

Now, I want you to notice how this attribute is picked up in [Rev 3: 14-19] (read) They have a mind set that is fixed on material things and they don't even know that these things have blinded them from the reality of the hour. It's not uncommon today to hear the expression, "He's a compulsive gambler." In fact there was a time that gambling was not only considered sinful, but even average, non Christian citizens, considered gambling to be a sickness that needed to be treated medically or psychologically. It was considered an immoral illegal blight upon our society that only low moral societal misfits would get involved in. Yet today just about every state uses lotteries and gambling to fill up their coffers.

The me generation. The, "I want it and I want it now, generation!" People no longer have the patience to wait for anything. They’ve got to have it now!, now!, now!. (ex: Compare housing today to yesterday. Parents Vs their kids. ) Young kids going into debt way above their ability to pay back. And as a result the tension between them is so great you can cut the air with a knife and their marriages are dissolving at a 50% clip. In fact I heard just the other day that the latest statistic is that young people getting married today have only a 30% chance of their marriage lasting for the duration of their life. And what is causing much of it. The me first generation of spoiled rotten kids. And who is to blame? The parents are to blame. Brother Branham said, it isn't child delinquency, it's parent delinquency. I heard another survey on the radio the other day where they had interviewed parents who had children in their forty's and fifty's who were still asking mom and dad to help them out financially. One man who retired as a painter, has already helped his son to buy his third house, this one laying out $55,000. Another Father, gave his 42 year old daughter $4,500 to buy a large screen TV because they didn't have the money because they had just spent $2,000 on a stereo set, and this couple made good wages, but they take two skiing vacations every year, and two cruises. And yet they have no shame in going to mom and dad for help. Their dad said, he still drives his 1979 Buick while the kids are living high of the hog and have the gall to ask for his help, and yet he complains, but still dishes out the bucks.

It's incredible what is happening today. The kids are used to living high off the hog and they do not know what it means to do without. And so they can't wait to have it all, and even more than their parents have, and after they get to the place of insolvency, and bankruptcy, they are left with nothing. Huge houses standing empty with no furniture because they can't afford the house and that too. Homes with no children, maybe just a mutt or cat so they can mother something.

That is what compulsion has brought. Kids murdering their parents because they want the inheritance now. Kids killing kids for their tennis shoes, because mama says she can't afford to buy them now and junior will have to wait for Christmas, but he can't wait. Compulsion.... and Brother Branham called it Neurotics! And yet he said it’s every where. Almost every nation is broke. Why? They’ve spent money they don’t have. "They think they are rich because they are increased with goods, but they don’t know that they are poor, miserable, blind and naked...that means they are destitute, without anything."

So we see that self constraint is a very important thing which will be hardly found in the end-time. Just look at our own President. He can hardly constrain himself when it comes to money, women and popularity. He's not satisfied with adultery, but he is a breaker of every one of the ten commandments. And not just once in a great while. It seems that he repeatedly breaks them day by day. Compulsion therefore is a compelling or being compelled; irresistible, repeated, irrational impulse to perform some act. Which is basically losing control of oneself. Now there is nothing wrong with having a desire for things. But when the desires become overwhelming and takes control, and the person loses control of their ability to constrain themselves, then something is definitely out of kilter somewhere.

Another thought of compulsion that you should take notice is that compulsion is not only a compelling but is also a being compelled. This not only speaks then of something that is self inflicted, but it can also be inflicted by others, as in being compelled, thus showing outside influences such as peer pressure.

·         [ 2 Chron 21: 5 - 15] I want you to notice that it was politics that compelled these people to do what they did not want to do. And the same thing happened in Germany during WWII.

·         [ Acts 26: 9 - 11] Saul had been in with the IN crowd, and therefore had the power or authority to get away with murder.

[Gal 2: 1-14] Now if you noticed, the common thread is politics. Being Politically correct. You are compelled by law to do certain things and to think certain ways and if you don't, they will shut you down or turn you out. The devil rules the nations and he is bringing forth laws into every nation that want to control "what you think and say". But God wants to control our thoughts as well, but with Him, He doesn't force it on you. As you know this is the hour for [2 Thes 1: 10] He has come to be Glorified IN His Saints. And yet He does not force Himself upon us, but He is patiently waiting for us to hunger and thirst after His Right-wise-ness. But with politics it is always different. It's all this "in your face" stuff to try and influence you by force if need be, to subject yourself to the mind-control police. Today, If they heard Brother Branham say, "when a woman gets out of the kitchen she's out of her place," They would try to send him out to some culture diversity training to set his thinking straight, or they would take his church away from Him. Whether we search the scriptures or individual examples in every day life, we find compulsion has to do with a forcing of the mind into a certain condition or mental mind set.

[Matt 23: 13] & [Rom 1: 16] And how do they suppress the Truth? By holding it back from the people. Not just the churches, look at our Media today. They water it down by calling them spin doctors. Why don’t they just call them liars. The devil has always used misinformation to deceive, because it works. Brother Branham said a lie that is 99 % true is the most powerful lie because it tells almost all of the story true but then puts a spin on it to make it a lie. Now, I want you to notice how they force or compel others to follow their schemes. In the beginning "to eat" caused death, but now, "not to eat" is death. And I want you to notice that back there, Satan didn't rape Eve, He seduced her through the serpent. These men do not beat up their congregations in order to force or compel them not to eat. They seduce them away from the truth by telling lies about it.

[ Proverbs 7: 7-27] I want you to notice verse 21 again ( read) Notice by her flattery she forces him.

[1 Tim 4: 1] Seducing Spirit's and Doctrines of Devil's. The People being seduced into believing The Lie and then they are damned by it. Why, Because you can't turn them away from it. They love a lie and will be damned by the thing they love.

[2 Thess 2: 10-12] The Wuest Translation says that this deception is geared to the gullibility of those who are perishing and that this gullibility is caused by the fact that they did not have a love for the Truth.

[John 3: 19 - 20] & [ 2 Tim 3: 7 ] They can't come to the understanding of the Truth because they will not give up their own thinking.

Now the 3rd attribute of neurosis is Obsession which Webster defines as the act of an evil spirit in possessing or ruling a person. Having such a persistent idea, desire or emotion that one can not get rid of it. Brother Branham said, "you can feed a habit or keep nurturing a habit and after a while it will take on a life of it's own becoming a spirit possession." Then it is demon possession. I don't care if it has to do with women or sports or even food. A demon is a demon. And if it is not natural, it's demonic.

[1Tim 4: 1] Seducing Spirit's and Doctrines of Devil's. The People being seduced into believing The Lie and then they are damned by it. Why, Because you can't turn them away from it. They love a lie and will be damned by the thing they love. [ 2 Thess 2: 10 - 12] & [ John 3: 19 - 20] & [ 2 Tim 3: 7 ] They can't come to the understanding of the Truth because they will not give up their own thinking.

They will not Receive [ John 14: 12 ] because of [Proverbs 14: 12] says, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." They will not let their own thinking go. They are possessed by what their own minds want to tell them and they are not willing to let go of their own thinking and receive a correct thinking based upon vindication.

(ex: of what the devil can do when he possesses a person vs. what God can do when He possesses person.)

White-house slogan, Hillary Rotham Clinton " fake it til you make it"

E-18 Go Wake Jesus 63-1103 Because he is so fully surrendered to the evil one, it took possession of him, and he had not his own understanding. He only did what the evil spirit put in him to do.

126 Lean not to Thy Own Understanding 65-0120 Now, in Luke 17:30, He said, "And as it was in the days of Lot, when the Angel of the Lord..." In the days of Lot just before the fire burned the Gentile world, the Sodomites, there were homosexuals, perversions, everything in the world. It was a modern Los Angeles; not a modern only Los Angeles, but a United States; not only in United States, but a world. It sure was perversion. Men lost their natural source of life and their natural understandings of common sense, become perverted by an evil spirit that changed the whole course of their natural life, and they were possessed with demon spirits. If that ain't the picture of the days of Noah, I don't know it, and in the days of Lot, I mean. In days of Noah also, eating, drinking, marrying, given in marriage, divorce courts filling, and everything, just like it was.

118 Lean not to Thy Own Understanding 65-0120 You know, the Bible said you can believe a lie and be damned by it. See? That's exactly the truth. They form, no matter what the Word of God says, they lean to their own understanding. They lean on it; they believe it; they think it's the Truth. You can keep believing a lie over and over and over till it's the truth to you. That's right. But how do we know whether it's Truth or not? God proved it's Truth, 'cause it's in His Word and He a-vindicates It. He does His own interpretation of It. How do they do, get to this? They do it by their culture, their education, of their understandings of their--the degree of doctor's degree, and so forth, that they have come from some certain seminary and learned these things.

The 4th attribute we see Webster refer to in the defining of neurosis. This 4th attribute is Phobias which we all know is an irrational, excessive, and persistent fear of some particular thing or situation. In the book of Job we find out that the things you fear the most will come upon you. In [ 2 Tim 1: 7 ] we read, " For God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of Power and of Love, and of a sound mind. " So then we can see by this that to have fear shows you don't have a sound mind. Because it is not of God to fear. Every time the Angel of the Lord came to man, the first words out of His mouth would be "Fear not! For I have come from the Presence of the Lord."

We find also in [ 1 John 4: 18] that perfect or mature love casts out fear because fear has to do with punishment. Notice as I said earlier, the first is what sets the trap. Anxiety. The cares of this life. Being caught up into them and not having our focus on Christ in this Word, having come down with a shout for our deliverance.. The next thing happens is we get caught into the pressure and so compulsion results where we find ourselves doing things not because common sense tells us to, not because we really want to, but because we have been pressured into it. These irrational sorts of behavior then force us to be living a lie and thus once we have hit this stage we enter into the 3rd manifestation which is devil possession and by this time our minds are completely gone. No longer are we able to focus on the things of God but only on the irrational behaviors which have overwhelmed us.

Whether it is preparing for the next depression, or the next election. Men are obsessed with trying to save this nation when they should be worried about saving their own souls and the souls of their loved ones. And so we see this devil possession take over because they’re believing the Lie.

In this next manifestation of neurosis we see phobias take over. The word phobia means fear. And this is the stage that does the most damage, because when a person is afraid they become bound by their fears. We read in 1 John 4. That perfect or mature Love will cast out fear because fear has a penalty, it has to do with you freezing and crystallizing in your thinking. Joseph began to fear that Mary had not been faithful and so God sent His Angel to tell him not to fear to take Mary as His Wife. What did fear do here? It caused Joseph to doubt and it caused him to stop moving forward with the plan of God for his life.

[Luke 21: 25-27] notice that men see the things that bring on perplexing and anxiety and then fear follows shortly thereafter.

[1 Kings 18:21] how halt ye between two opinions? How long will you be lame and stopped in your forward movement? AMP How long will you be halt and limp between two opinions? NIV How long will you waver between two opinions? NAS How long will you hesitate between these two opinions?

233 Anointed Ones at the End-Time 65-0725M "For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened and didn't move on with the Word as it come to pass..." They're dead, gone

[Gen 19: 26] Lot's wife crystallized when she quit moving on with the Word of God. What happened? First her mind stopped then her body did. First her mind crystallized then her body became transformed into her revelation.

82 Israel in the Home Land 53-0329 And now, the first thing you know, the Pillar of Fire has begin to move again. But Pentecost is so organized, it can't go. It was so organized, crystallized until it can't go. That's right. That's true. But the Pillar of Fire is moving out, brother, and there's people that's going with It. Hallelujah. We're bound for the promised land. Yes, sir.

In the Message 63 You Must Be Born Again 61-1231 brother Branham said, No life in the serpent, it was absolutely crystallized. That was the penalty..

[1 Kings 18:21] how halt ye between two opinions? How long will you be lame and stopped in your forward movement? AMP How long will you be halt and limp between two opinions? NIV How long will you waver between two opinions? NAS How long will you hesitate between these two opinions?

82 Countdown 64-0209 But man always counts backwards, starts at ten. "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero." What does God do? He starts with His number, seven. That's God's number. Watch Him: seven. Oh, He counts ahead, starting with one. He starts with His first church age. That's what His symbols was on earth. There's seven church ages. He made the world in seven days; seventh day He rested. That's His last number in His creation. He rested. Notice, He counts straight ahead, not backwards. He goes forward. He starts from His first church age, which begin at A.D. 33, and He started the countdown. He counted His church ages.

Notice that at each Exodus what has happened to the people? They wanted to go back. They had it set in their minds what they wanted and they did not want to move forward with God. In Moses day they wanted to go back to Egypt which is a type of the Pentecostal church with it's garlic’s and leaks, and in Paul's day they wanted to go back into the law which is legalism. The Scripture tells us to "Train up a child in the way it shall go and when it gets older it will not depart." It also tells us "The way a tree leaneth that is the way it shall fall." Therefore if your mind is already made up as to what you believe, you will not go forward. In fact every decision we make we base upon what fact we already have in hand. Therefore, all of our decisions must go back tot he way we were trained unless we have wilfully repented of that training.

[Mk 4: 24] "Take heed how you hear, for with what measuring stick you measure it with, it shall be measured back to you ." In otherwords you get what your looking for. And that is why so many still see this Message as a furtherance of Pentecost when brother Branham said it is "beyond Pentecost".

Anointed Ones At the End-Time 65-0725M Notice! Come up to the borderline and quit. Pp.195 Going to their home, and when they come up to the place to cross over, they doubted the Word!........What happened? They perished in the wilderness. They stayed right there and organized themselves, and died, every one of them,........ pp.198 "Where the carcass is there will the eagles be gathered......

Where the fresh meat is, the Word of the Season, there the eagles will gather." But after it's rotten, then the vultures will swarm to it. See, see? See what I mean? When a kill 's made here comes the eagles, but after it lays there and rotten, then here come the vultures. The eagles won't have nothing to do with it. Jesus said, "Where the carcass is, where the manna fell, the night the manna falls fresh, there the eagles will gather for it." That's the manna for the day. See? Pp.214 Notice! But after it gets rotten, maggots get in it, then here comes the vultures. They can't smell it till it gets rotten. Pp.215 Said, "I AM sent me." I AM, not I was, or will be, I AM, present tense, the Word now. Not the Word that was or Word that will come, the Word that's now. pp. 219 Now, you go back and try to live again --go back after that old shuck's dried up, ever go back and live in it again? It never does. "For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened and didn't move on with the Word as it come to pass..." They're dead, gone

[ Romans 8: 15] & [ 2 Tim 1: 7]

[Luke 21: 25-27] notice that men see the things that bring on perplexing and anxiety and then fear follows shortly thereafter. In [1 Kings 18:21] we find the people feared what the King would do to them and so Elijah rebuked them by saying, "how halt ye between two opinions"? How long will you be lame and stopped in your forward movement? AMP How long will you be halt and limp between two opinions? NIV How long will you waver between two opinions? NAS How long will you hesitate between these two opinions?

233 Anointed Ones At End Time 65-0725M "For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened and didn't move on with the Word as it come to pass..." They're dead, gone

In [Genesis 19: 26] we see Lot's wife crystallized when she quit moving on with the Word of God. What happened? First her mind stopped then her body did. First her mind crystallized then her body became transformed into her revelation. Now this brings us to the 5th characteristic of neurosis which is Depression. Webster defines Depression as: being low in spirit, gloominess; dejection and sadness. And all these result in a lessening of activity. Usually in a person suffering from depression, all they want to do is eat and sleep. And that is why we find 2 Tim 1 tell us that this end-time will be hard to deal with and hard to bear. And so what happens to those who can not seem to cope with the cares of this life? They eventually freeze out like Lots wife and they stop any forward progress and they go into depression. But this is not the end of it. There are still other characteristics left that we must deal with here. But for now let’s focus on this characteristic called Depression. we know that it is being low in spirit, gloominess; dejection and sadness. Now we know that this characteristic like the others comes about because of a wrong focus and wrong teaching. We find the scriptures tells us this in [Ezek 13: 22] (read).

The scriptures tell us what sort of effects depression will have upon a person.[1 Kings 21:4-5]. (read) Now, Notice that it causes a person to quit eating. [ Matt 6: 16] (read) Now I want you to notice that the main theme we find in scriptures of a person who is suffering from Depression which is sadness of the heart is that they don’t feel like eating, at least not the right foods any way. What happens is that they begin to cut off their own supply, or nourishment to their bodies. And this is exactly what happens to the body of believers as well. Satan attacks you by entrapping you with a wrong focus. He gets you to focus on the cares of this life. Once you give in to his influence, he then has you leaning. Once he has you leaning all he needs to do is give you a little shove. Then you’re on your own. The way a tree leans is the way it will fall. And once he has you leaning then he will have you falling very shortly. And once you have fallen he enters into you through obsession which is devil possession. This Possession then takes over the control tower of your soul and you begin to fear everything. You fear tomorrow, you fear your neighbor, you begin to fear your brethren in Christ as well. And this makes you sad and dejected. From here you enter into a Depression and as a result you begin to starve yourself of the very thing you have need of to live. "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that comes from the Mouth of God." And the thing of it is that we have access to the very mouth of God as no other age has had this access. Yet we deny ourselves the Spiritual Food in Due Season, because of our neurotic condition. This neurosis is what Brother Branham spoke of as engulfing the entire world.

 But God said, "I am the God Who healeth all thy diseases." [Psalms 103: 1-18] Notice that Our God is more willing to give than we are to receive, yet that does not stop Him from giving us what we have need of." A healthy body is one that hungers and thirsts, and so he told us, "Blessed is he that hungers and thirsts for right-wise-ness, for you shall be filled."

Brothers and sisters, if you are not hungering and thirsting today, then I can only say one thing... You suffer from Neurosis as God’s Prophet said would completely encompass the earth. But you have a way out. As we showed you in the beginning, all these things stem from being caught in a wrong focus, and that is the cares of this life have swallowed you up. Yet we find in the Scriptures that joy will cause you to forget your anxieties. [ Eccl 11: 9-10] Be happy young man while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth..... So then, banish anxiety from your heart, and cast off the troubles of your body, ....

Yet how do we accomplish this? Well, we must first know where our joy comes. Where is the source of our Joy? If it is in things, then we are doomed for sure because then your only joy comes from the cares of this life. But True Joy can come from only one thing and that we read in [Psalm 16: 11] & [ 1 Thes 2: 19] and [ Jude 1: 24] [Eccl 9:7], [ Psalm 5:11] and [Psalm 27:6]

Phobia leads you into Depression which manifests in the fact that you don’t want to eat any more. And so you begin to shut off the Spiritual Food In Due Season. You quit eating from Gods Word and from His Message, and when this happens you become weak and sickly. This then leads us to the Sixth attribute of Neurosis which is Disassociation. And with this in mind I want to examine this last manifestation of Neurosis in the Scriptures.

[Eph 4:17-18] (read) Here we find that they cut themselves off from the Life of God because their understanding has become darkened. The world alienated here is a Greek word (apallotrioo) and it means to shut off ones self from fellowship and intimacy. Now why is this? [1 John 1: 7](read) And Because we are told that our fellowship comes from walking in the Light. So then if we no longer walk in the Light, then we no longer have fellowship. It’s just that simple. And the word walk here is a word (peripateo) which means "to make ones way, to progress forward, or to regulate one’s life by, or to pass ones Life in." And so we see The Word of God is a Living Word in which we live out this Word. It is not only something that we believe but it is our very Life. And if it is our very Life then to leave it means death to us. And the word fellowship here is a word (Koinonia) which means "communion, fellowship, communication, association or joint participation in." And so we see that it takes this Word of God to become a reality in your lives and when it does then it brings a common bond to you. It is not just a matter of knowing it is true. It is a matter of it being real to you. For to just know it is true could still place it in a historical perspective as it does to the nominal Christian. But to know it is real, it then begins to live out in your very life. When you read this Word you can actually see it manifesting itself all around you. Because after all, Gods Prophet said, "God interprets His Word by bringing it to pass." And so when you read His Word, and then see it taking place, you are in actuality living out that portion of Gods Word.

We read in [Matt 13: 10-17] That only a certain group of people will come to an understanding and all others are not meant to see and understand it. We see the interpretation of this when we actually see this manifested before us when we try to share the Gospel to others and we see their dead response. We see the Interpretation of [1 Tim 4: 1] When we see the exodus from the True Message of the hour and we see people chasing after new and different doctrines and going back to Pentecost. We see the Interpretation of [1 Thess 4: 15-18] when we look at these pictures hanging on the wall and we hear the Voice of God on the tapes and we see the Vindication of God having come down and actually proving that he is here among us. And so we could go on and on but what I am trying to show you tonight is that to walk in this light brings fellowship. It brings a sharing and a joint participation together. We walk in it and we communicate together what we see taking place. The Word then is a living reality. Not just Truth. But a Living Truth. We see it, we feel it, we touch it, we hear it, we eat it, we breath it. We are totally immersed in it and because there are others who are experiencing the same Living Word in their own lives, we then talk to one another and this brings us into fellowship. But Neurosis brings about just the opposite. A wrong focus brings about wrong influences which brings about wrong associations which brings about wrong actions and wrong communications. And thus death instead of deliverance and Life. [1 Peter 1:3-(5) 7-(9)] Notice this end-time revelation is to bring end time salvation and deliverance.

So far we have covered : anxiety, compulsion, obsession, phobia, depression, disassociation. We found scriptural evidence for these six characteristics of neurosis prophesied for their end-time hour. In our study thus far we have found anxiety is the main condition that is to be manifested in the end-time, and all these other characteristics stem forth from anxiety. We also found that anxiety is spoken of in the scriptures mostly in reference to the cares of this life. We also found that Satan has taken advantage of the curse that was placed upon man by God back in the beginning after the fall in the garden. This fall resulted in man having to sweat and toil for a living and the ground being cursed and therefore man does not always know what will turn out because of his labors. We showed how anxiety is a result of actually having a lack of faith and trust in God and therefore we try to take our own life path into our own hands. We found in [Proverbs 16: 9] that "A mans heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directeth His footsteps" and therefore our labor and toil and everything else is in the hands of God. That is why we read in [Rom 8:31] "If God be for us who can be against us." we also showed that Satan’s purpose is to gain control of our minds, and he does this by bringing you under his influence, he brings you into bondage to himself.

[ John 8: 34] Jesus said, "he that committeth sin is the servant of sin." Then we found in [2 Peter 2: 19] that when we are overcome by a certain influence, we thus become in bondage to that influence. Now thus far in our study we have found that this bondage is a result of an influence that begins with anxiety. The Devil has laid out a snare or trap for every one in the whole world. And that snare or trap is in the guise of the economy. He knows that people have to make a living. He has known that since the curse that was placed upon man for his disobedience in the garden. In fact he was responsible for that curse being placed upon man. And so then we see that he took advantage of that situation and he has manipulated man into a wrong focus again.

[Gen 3: 17-19] And so we see that man had to begin to labor in order to live. And this is where Satan made his decision to use the curse which God himself placed upon man against man in order to bring man under his influence. Hitler did the same thing. He promised the people a better living, two cars in the garage and two chickens in every pot, and when he had the people under his influence, he began his persecution of the Jews and the people just turned their heads and didn’t become involved because after all, look what he did for them. And so we see the influence that Satan has upon the people. He has blinded them by material prosperity. In [Rev 3: 14:17] we see that the predominant spirit of this age is that man is so consumed with his material possessions that he is blind to his spiritual condition. (read)

According to [Luke 21: 31-35] the cares of this life will be the snare that will completely entrap the entire world, and they will fail to stand in the presence of the Son of Man when He comes. (read) We have found thus far in our study that Satan used the economy and life style as a trap to not only catch you off guard, but he uses it to give you another focus, a wrong focus just like he did with Eve back in the garden. This then, because it is of his design, brings you under his influence. And once under his influence he then step by step brings you under his full control. He did it to Eve, he got her to step out from the protection of the Word and once he did, he implanted himself into her and brought for his own life in her. And so we have seen how this influence of the cares of this life begins to turn us from a Christ Centered focus and brings us to the place of coming under a wrong influence all because of our anxiety concerning the things which MIGHT happen concerning the cares of this life.

As I have said throughout this mini series, The whole Christian world is out of focus tonight. They talk about the next depression, the nation going broke, the new world order, and they are completely missing the Lord Who has come down from heaven with a shout. And so we see the condition of the church is looking at the "what ifs", and they are missing their deliverance from those things. They are focused on the very trap and delusion instead of the way out of it. Sometimes, Satan will make those cares of life more real to you than the promises of God will appear to be. Yet Jesus commanded us to "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and ALL the things you have need of will be added unto you." Now instead of looking at the trap, we should be looking for a way to avoid the trap. And so we found that by having a wrong focus to begin with leads us only further into a wrong direction. By having a wrong focus we find ourselves becoming anxious over things which we should not be. And when we focus all of our energies on these future worries, we find ourselves getting caught up into finding our own way out of their dilemma. At this point we enter into COMPULSION which is irrational behavior, we then become obsessed by them and this becomes possession. Devil possession.

Remember, [1 Peter 2: 19] tells us that "whatsoever we are overcome by we also become in bondage to as well." And Webster called obsession, devil possession, for that is what it is.

Now once this obsession takes over our being, we enter into the fourth characteristic of neurosis is Phobias or fear. Here we found that Fear has a penalty according to [1 John 4: 18] (read). In [Hebrews 2: 15] we see that through fear we are made subject to bondage. We found out that this fear and bondage has the effect of stopping any progressive movement in the things of God. Joseph stopped in his tracks concerning Mary. He feared to take Mary to be his wife, and so God had to send His Messenger to rid Joseph of his fear. Then we found that Phobia leads you into Depression which manifests in the fact that you don’t want to eat any more. And so you begin to shut off the Spiritual Food In Due Season. You quit eating from Gods Word and from His Message, and when this happens you become weak and sickly. This then leads us to the last attribute of Neurosis which is Disassociation and we found that this means that you begin to cut off fellowship with the believers. First you cut off eating from the tree of Life and then you cut off all association with it. And this means with those who are eating it themselves.

And so, it is not just a matter of knowing it is true. It is a matter of it being real to you. For to just know it is true could still place it in a historical perspective as it does to the nominal Christian. But to know it is real, it then begins to live out in your very life. When you read this Word you can actually see it manifesting itself all around you. Because after all- Gods Prophet said, "God interprets His Word by bringing it to pass." And so when you read His Word, and then see it taking place, you are in actuality living out that portion of Gods Word. we then showed you various examples of the Word coming to pass and you being a part of that Living Word. A living dynamic Word which is continually moving ahead. In fact we quoted from Anointed Ones at the end-Time where brother Branham said, " For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened and didn’t move on with the Word as it came to pass"... "they’re dead, gone." And so, we must continue to move on with the Word of God as it continues to come to pass or we are dead, dead, dead.

Now we could go on and on with this but what I am trying to get across to you is that to walk in this light is what brings fellowship. It is a walking that does it, because the walk is to experience and live out this Word. And as we experience it together, we share together this life experience. Then it is not so much that we are speaking of a Word which alone is True, but in an even greater sense of the word, we are speaking of a Word which is not only True but is alive and has become a reality to you because you are actually seeing it in manifestation. Then you are experiencing the Living Word and as others experience this same Living Word, the fellowship is just as natural as life itself, because after all our fellowship comes by sharing experiences with one another.

We can’t help but to talk to one another because we are actively participating in the same Living Word. But neurosis brings just the opposite effect. A wrong focus brings forth wrong actions which bring forth wrong communications which brings forth bondage and death instead of deliverance and Life. [1 Peter 1:3-(5) 7-(9)] Notice this end-time revelation is to bring end time salvation and deliverance.

Now there is one last thing that Webster brought out about neurosis which I have not yet emphasized in this message, and the last thing he said about neurosis is that it will eventually bring forth conversion. This is actually the seventh characteristic, and we know seven is the number of completion. The first six are progressive stages or phases which moves one toward complete takeover by demonic influence. But there is something different about this last characteristic that I would like to examine closer. The last characteristic is conversion. After you have started off by anxiety, you begin to do things compulsively and then those compulsive behaviors take over and become an obsession which is devil possession. The next thing is fear sets in, and then depression soon follows. When this happens you just quit eating the Word for the hour and you begin to spiritually starve yourself. Eventually because you no longer desire this type of food you begin to avoid those who do and you disassociate with those who do, cutting yourself off from fellowship and associations with anyone who walks in the light. Then the final characteristic of neurosis takes over and that is a complete conversion from a Christ centered life to a materialistic centered life, which is devil worship. Your path to Conversion in Satan’s system, the seventh and last characteristic of this neurotic condition is now complete.

 [ 1 Tim 4: 1] This scripture speaks of the falling away from THE faith at the end-time.

[Eph 4: 18-20] Shows that this cutting off the Life of God which comes via His Word starts with a wrong influence and a wrong understanding. One that is darkened.

[ Luke 8:13] These have no root in themselves and so they fall away from The truth.

[ Luke 13:22-28] The word Depart here is the same word for falling away.

[Heb 3: 7-4:2] The evil heart of unbelief which is a wrong understanding, causes the falling away or departure from the Living God.

[2 Thes 2: 3] There must be a falling away in order for us to know we are at the end-time and the Appearing of Christ.

[ Heb 6: 4-6] Those who have been once for all enlightened and deviate from this enlightenment actually fall away and it is impossible for them to ever change their thinking toward it again.

[ 2 Peter 3: 14-18]Beware lest ye fall.

[Heb 12:1-17] [1 Cor 10: 1-14] [ Rev 2: 4-5] & [Matt 7: 23] I used to know you as my wife but I don’t know you as my wife any more...Conversion

But notice we have a way of escape. It is Christ Who is here. [Jude 1: 24] Unto Him who is able to keep you from Falling....

He is here to save the righteous from perishing. [2 Thes: 1 & 2 , 13 1 Peter 1: 5,9,10 end time Revelation bringing salvation. 2 Peter 2: 12 - 13 while they feast with you. 3: 9, 1 Thes 5:9, 2 Thes 2: 13Titus 2: 11, Hebrews 2: 1 - 4, Hebrews 9: 28, ]

He is here to save the Elect from deception. [Matt 24: 3 - 5, 11, 24, Mark 13: 5-6, Eph 1: 17-18, & 4: 14, 2 Thes: 1: 7 - 12, & 2: 2-3, 10 - 12, 2 John 8 - 10, 1 John 2: 19 - 20, 28, Luke 21: 8, 2 Tim 3: 13, Rev 13: 4 - 10, 14 - 16, 19: 20, Matt 13: 1- 17 Mark 4: 11 - 12, Luke 8:10, 1 Tim 4: 1 - 2, 2 Tim 3: 1 - 9, 4: 3-4 & 8]