The Parousia of I Thessalonians 4:16 - 3

Resurrection - Section III

God In Simplicity - 63-0317 1M 58-5  God just speaks and the Rapture will come. It ain't going out there and them Angels come down and shovel out the grave and get out an old dead carcass here. What is it? It is born of sin to begin with - but a new one made in its likeness. If we have this, we will die again. See? Nobody can say, "The graves will open. The dead shall walk out." That may be true, but not open the way you say open. That's right. See? It won't be like that. It'll be a secret, because He said He would come like a thief in the night.

He's already told us this, the Rapture, then judgments will strike - sins, plagues, sickness, and everything. The people will cry for death to take them from the judgment. "Lord, why is this judgment upon us when You said that there would be a Rapture first?"

He will say, "It's already come, and you didn't know it." God hiding Himself in simplicity. Oh, my!

All right. "It's already happened and you knew it not." Why don't believers believe the simple signs of His coming? They're expecting all this things that's spoke of by the Scripture, and the moon is going to go down in the middle - the sun in the middle of the day, and there's going to be all kinds of things... Why don't believers believe the simple signs of His coming? They're expecting the--a--all this things that's spoke of by the Scripture, and--and the moon's going to go down in the middle of--the sun in the middle of the day, and there's going to be all kinds of things.

Oh, if we just had... I got the notes wrote here on it (See?), to show what them things are, and we'll get it on the breaking of these Seals this week anyhow. See, see? There it is, just where it's already passed and you didn't know it. See? See if it is. If the Angel of the Lord will break them Seals forth to us... Remember, it's sealed with them seven mysterious thunders. See?

Now, why can't people believe the simple simplicity of a humble bunch of people and the Voice of the signs of God? Why can't they believe it? Just like it always been. The true Word of God being made manifest. They're too smart and too educated to believe the simple form of the written Word. They want to put their own interpretation to it. "It don't mean this." "It don't mean that." It DOES mean that.

Listen. May I say this right quick now? Even the visions that God gives here at the place, it's so misunderstood. That's the reason you hear me on the tapes say, "Say what the tapes say. Say what the visions say."

 Hebrews Ch7 - 57-0922  359-422  And He took His dead body from the grave on the first day of the week, and brought it up into Heaven; and sat it there as a High Priest, as a memorial, setting there perfect, forever. And He sent the Spirit that He tore out of that body, right back down on the Church. And that Church will have to have the same Spirit that was in that body, or it won't dovetail with It in the resurrection. Those two pieces must come perfectly together; and if this church isn't perfectly (just exactly) the same Spirit that was in Christ, you'll never go in the Rapture.

There's the everlasting covenant, brother. Seek it out yourself, what's in your own heart. Love the Lord! Really be sure you're saved, don't take a chance on it. You're gambling! No, you... We American people love to gamble, but don't you gamble on That. You be sure that you're right; not because you joined church, but because that you're truly borned again, Christ has come to you in the person of the Holy Ghost.

Mother's Day 59-0510M 81 And as the light begins to spread we'll know as we're known; we'll understand. And we'll remember our acquaintance and the ones that's been there. And there'll be many there that we didn't even think would be there, for you know it's at that time that I believe that the bread that we have cast upon the human troubled waters will return to us, on that day. When we see the effects of our testimony on people that we didn't understand their actions towards it, will probably be there. What a day that will be! And then the seeds that we sowed not even thinking what they would do, but here they are. They brought forth precious fruits and we'll see them on that day.

Mother's Day 59-0510M  86 As that great light begins to spread all - as we begin to look around, and the great circle will be getting and greater and greater; it's all just reflecting the approach of Jesus. And after while, as the song said, And I shall we see Jesus at last. He will be waiting for me,  Jesus so kind and true,  On His beautiful Throne, He'll welcome me Home  After this day is through.  Then as we see Him...and we'll not be as we are now. We'll know how to love Him more. We'll not stand back with a little fear, because we'll be like Him. He'll be more of a relative to us than He is now. We'll understand Him better, because we're so far away in the mortal bodies. Then we'll have a body like His glorious body. We'll know how to worship Him.

And when we see what the Presence of His Being has done to us, changed us, the old back young, all the deformed straightened out, oh, we'll understand then why His power healed us. The questions that's been in our mind, "How can He do it? What would this?" somehow, mysteriously, they'll all fade away. The knots that's been tied in the back of our minds, "Will it be this? How could it be?" somehow, or another, majestic fingers will just untangle, unravel those knots, and it'll all fade into the one big crown of love.

Jehovah Jireh #1 - 62-0705 And then, remember, if we go before He comes, we will be up and in His Presence, or, raised before the others are changed. "The trumpet of the Lord shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which alive and remain shall be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, and be caught up together with them, to meet the Lord in the air." Look at the order of the resurrection. See, God knows that we long to see our loved ones. And if we got there to meet Him first, we'd be looking around to see if mother or dad and the rest of them was there. But see how, the Holy Spirit in His wisdom? We meet one another first, and then when we get there and sing "Amazing Grace," that's when there's going to be a time of worship.

When Their Eyes Were Opened - 56-0420  Soon there's something greater that this coming; it'll soon be here. It'll be marvellous then, if the Lord willing. How many ever read my last vision that's been wrote up in the magazine? Wait till you see that take place. Then this'll be minor, what the Lord's fix - you'll just keep on and on, on and on. Jesus is coming. The time of the gathering of the people is at hand, and we must look forward to great things to happen. How many read the sermon, "When Omnipotence Speaks, Miracles Happen?" Did you believe that? Certainly! Omnipotence spoke at every junction. And when the church cooled off then Omnipotence spoke; miracles takes place. And this is the junction of all junctions; this is the end time. The end of the whole history of the world is right now at hand. So you can expect Omnipotence to speak, and you can expect the greatest and mightiest miracles that's ever happened on the earth will happen in the next few years to come, Jesus tarries. It will be!

Greater Than Solomon Is Here - 58- 0625  So I pray that someday I'll see that great uniting together of all the body of Jesus Christ coming together at one great big body; then the rapture shall come

What Is The Holy Ghost? - 59-1216  Now, the Spirit of God has worked under Justification under Luther, Sanctification under Wesley, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost under Pentecost; and here It is in the last day performing and doing the very same things that It did when It was in Christ! What is it? The Church and Christ has become One. And as soon as They connect together, that last link, She will go through the sky shouting. Up will come Wesley, Luther, all the rest of them back in those days there. He that's first will be last; he that's last will be first; and there'll come the resurrection.

Questions & Answers - 59-1223 Just now, Brother Mercier said he got the best out of the meeting where we explained that when that Holy Spirit came into the meeting and broke Itself up, and God dividing Himself amongst His people... Well, that's just what It does. And then, when God's people begins to gather back together, there's unity, there's power. See? And whenever God's people gets together completely, I believe the resurrection will take place then. There'll be a rapturing time when the Holy Spirit begins to gather it up. It'll be in the minority, of course, but there will be a great gathering.

At Thy Word, Lord - 51-0928 "One of these glorious daybreaks Jesus shall come and all sorrow will be banished and tears wiped away. Those immortal souls that's resting yonder in paradise shall come forth, like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We shall appear here on earth and then be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air."

Invisible Union - 65-1125 There will come forth a resurrection day which the first will be last, and they which are last will be first. The old prophets will come breaking forth first, and they see that procession going marching up in the air, and we which are alive and remain shall not hinder them which are asleep, for the Trumpet of God shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first, and we will fall right in line with them going in! Hallelujah! All down through the age of Luther, Wesley, Methodist, Presbyterian, on down to the last age who receive the Word in their age.

Uniting Time & Sign - 63-0818  We find that now the time comes when the Trumpet sounds, and those sleeping saints back there that could not be made perfect without us (there's many of those Hebrew brethren), and when they come together, they unite with the living ones. The Church uniting with the Word, then the Church and the Word uniting together, being come one. The dead saints with the living saints uniting together to be one; and all going together to unite with Christ yonder, for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

And to think of us standing, (in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, when the world won't know what's going on), but all of a sudden, you'll see appear before you, your loved ones that's gone on has come to unite with you again. And we'll be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye; and be caught up, together, to meet our Lord in the air.

Let's get ready Let's get ready for this midnight cry. It's coming in a hour when you think not. There'll be a cry, not amongst the unbelieving world; it'll be a secret.

How Can I Overcome - 63-0825 1M  Sooner or later we're going to have to give each other up. But that won't hurt the rapture now. See? No. They come first then. Them are privileged that's gone on. They come first, See, we which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord will not hinder or prevent those that are asleep. The trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then when our eyes behold our loved ones, then we'll be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, and with them shall be caught up together.

Going Beyond The Camp - 64-0719 2E  And you know, we'll be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. Think of it! Missing people, they can't see you no more, but you're getting together with the rest of the group. "They which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (or `hinder,' the word is) those which are asleep." Not dead, no, Christians don't die. They're just taking a little rest (see?); that's all. Oh, my! "And the trump of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, appear to many.." And all at once you happen to stand and look, and "Well, there's a brother..." And you know it ain't long. In a few minutes we'll be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, and together with them be missing on earth, caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

Questions & Answers - 64-0823 1M  Then you believe that Jesus Christ is that Word, and that Word is made flesh now among us, fulfilling exactly what He said He would do in this age.

Now, the first thing happens when we're resurrected ... The ones which are a-living will just still remain ... The resurrection will set in first, the resurrection of those that are asleep. There'll be a wakening time, and those which are asleep in the dust now ... will be awakened first, and they'll - these corruptible bodies will put on incorruption in the rapturing grace of the Lord. And then we'll all get together. And when they begin to get together, then we which are alive and remain shall be changed. These mortal bodies will not see death, but just of a sudden, there'll be like a sweep go over us, and you're changed. You're turned back like Abraham was, from an old man to a young man, from an old woman to a young woman. What's this sudden change? And after while you're traveling like a thought, and you can see those then who are already resurrected. Oh, what a hour! Then we'll gather with them and then be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air.

Yes, the Church will all be together, but after, after the resurrection and the rapture has set in.

Luke 21:36  This the third pull and is speaking the Word. It seems entirely possible for you to speak the word and one would be completely and fully restored, placed entirely ready for the rapture in the resurrection, the Son of man. This is so, or is it not? And you would do this if properly pressed upon. Would you not "escape all these things (it's got a ditto there) escape all these things and stand before the Son of man"?

Questions & Answers - 64-0823 1M Now, my dear friend. See? Now, I think here that you got a good statement. Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Now, that would be so. You said, "Brother Branham..." In other words, here's what I'm... I don't think that it's... I can... I believe I... Not polishing up what you said, but I believe I can make it a little clearer to people. See? You are believing, because of the Spoken Words and things like that that He said about. And all of you here witnessed the squirrels and all these other things that's been done. But did you notice, that was Sovereignly given! I never asked Him, "Lord, let me do this, speak these things in like that, do these things there." I never asked Him that. He by His own Divine will came to me and said, "You go do this."

Questions & Answers - 64-0823 1M  The time of the rapture will be the awakening of the dead and the get together with the living, for the rapture to take place.

And Jesus can not come until a church, a body of believers and the ministry that He once...?... will have to be the same as it was then to... And then, that brings... "Them without us is not made perfect," Paul said, Hebrews 11. "Without us they cannot be perfected." They must have this ministry to raise up the Lutheran, Wesleys, and all them down through their ages.

Questions & Answers - 64-0823 1M  And then shall he send his angels, and ... gather together his elect from the four winds, and the utmost parts of the earth to the uttermost parts of heaven. That's talking of the resurrection, the translation, going up. He will send forth His angels to gather. Did you ever think what the angels are? Huh? Messengers. He will gather them together, congregate them together (see?), bringing them, bind them together from the utmost parts of the earth to the utmost parts of Heaven, the Word that was been made manifest on earth. See? Get it? The Word's been spoken; here It's manifested.

Easter Seal - 65-0410  And now, if that same Spirit that was upon Him to be the Redeemer in that age, that we have accepted... Now, the promise of in this last days what would take place, if you become part of that Word, you are redeemed with Him, because the same Spirit that dwelt in Christ is dwelling in you, quickening your life to this age. And it will also in the end time quicken your mortal bodies, resurrect them, bring them up again. That takes the gloom away when we look at it in that, and that's the truth.

Romans here, Paul has proved it to us. See? "If the Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, it will also quicken your mortal bodies." This is the same Spirit that raised Him up that quickened the true believer to Eternal Life. The Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells into the believer, quickens the believer to Eternal Life.

Rising of the Sun - 65-0418 1M  50-6And now (see?), now you are already resurrected. When God raised Him up, He raised you; the Son is just now on you. And now you're growing into a blossom Life like He was, to be resurrected completely in that last day. Your potentials you have now. Why do you know? Your soul changed, didn't it? Your body come in obedience to It, didn't it? Into obedience to what? A Church? The Word, which is the Life. Then you are now resurrected from the dead.

You potentially have the Earnest, the waiting. Now, when you get the Dynamics, you have been quickened from mortal to immortality. It makes the whole body come subject to the Word. It'll make you act different, look different, live different; It'll just make you different.

Then (notice now, as we close; notice this) notice, it's just like a little seed laying in the ground. Now, potentially, you are resurrected. You're resurrected when you receive the Holy Spirit in you; you're resurrected right then. Your body's potentially resurrected.

Questions & Answers - 64-0823 1M   Now, the Bible said ... And if you call me a prophet, I don't say I am; but if you call me that, remember, I'm saying to you in the name of a prophet (see?) - in the name of a prophet, the resurrection and rapture will be general all over the entire world! No matter where you're at, when that hour comes, you'll be caught up to meet Him! That's all! There's nothing going to stop you, no matter where you are. And I only hope that I'm there, one of them. I just only trust and hope in God that I'll be one of them and each one of you will be in the - in the same.

Questions & Answers - 64-0823 1M   Across the world, they won't be gathered in one place to have things in common. But little groups of them will be scattered all over the earth. I believe, maybe if the Lord permits, this is a little group of It. Maybe another little group in Asia, one down in Germany, one down somewhere else. When I seen a vision of the Bride the other night, They was made up from the international. See? So the Bride won't be gathered from one place, It'll be gathered from all over the world.

Letting Off the Pressure 62-0518  Can't you see we're at the end time? It's all over. The next thing will be a sweep of getting that little group together, and in a month or so she'll be gone - as soon as she's gathered together. We're at the end; there's no hopes left anywhere. Run to Christ, people!

Seven Church Ages - 54-0512  "Behold He cometh with clouds." Now, let me stop here just a moment. Clouds doesn't mean that He's coming on a big thunderhead as mama, bless her heart - she's sitting here somewhere. I remember her voice, she used to set and tell me, said, He's coming on a great big cloud, gonna raise someday and God's gonna come on.  Now the Cloud that He's coming is, if we just had the time to get this back, and get the real background and the whole thing.

Now the Cloud He's coming in is not a cloud, like a thunderhead, but it's a Cloud of Glory He's coming in. See? Now, when Jesus was overshadowed by God on Mount Transfiguration, Clouds overshadowed Him and His raiment. See? And when Elijah would come down, a cloud come down and received him up, not a not a thunderhead, but a Cloud of Glory. His great glorious Presence will strike the earth. He cometh in Clouds! Oh, I love that.

Clouds, there'll be wave after wave of His Glory will come across the earth - and the resurrection of the saints shall come. That blessed Holy Spirit that's lived in their hearts and they're dried with their corpse laying there and the pierced veins over their cheeks and things like that and they're placed back in the graveyard. A great wave of that same Spirit and a sshhewww, wave after wave - He that was last will be the first. He that was first will be last. I'm kinda see that way...that's the order of the resurrection. I won't know nobody in the generation before me or the generation after me. I'll know those in the generation with me. Every generation will come successfully right as it went down.

They which were last will be first. Sure, that's me. See? I'll know my people, the next time my dad and his people, my grandfather and his people, on down like that, wave after wave after wave after wave. And the saints will rise from everywhere. Won't that be wonderful, Amen.  That makes the old people feel young again, yes. Now notice closely, for I come to you in a Cloud, and every eye shall see Him, no matter how far back they died, they'll see Him.

Go Tell - 60-0417E  We got a Message to tell the world, Jesus is alive! He is not dead! Taking heed to the Message.

I Know - 60-0417 1S  And if Job by a vision could stand so firmly upon a promise, how much more ought we to do, after Christ has raised from the dead and become the First Fruits of those that slept, and sent back the Holy Spirit as a seal of promise, upon us, that we too shall live. "Because, I live, you live also!" Seeing His great Presence among us, working, doing the same signs and wonders that He did on earth, giving us a hope. And we come to the resurrection, and then remain on our ash heaps? Let's get off the ash heap today, with a new vision, with a new Power, with a new determination that we see God in His Power. We see the resurrection of the things coming. 

The Entombment - 57-0420  Our own life is just a pattern. It's just a shadow, and not the real thing. It's the negative side. It takes death to develop the picture, to put us back in the theophany we come from. Then in the resurrection we come in His likeness, a resurrected body, what a beautiful, not only beautiful but it's the real, solemn truth of God's eternal Word, that we'll be like Him.

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